
About CCN Club

CCN Club is an online community where CCN students, parents, and Local Coordinators can come together to share important news and events, report cards, photographs, and student evaluations.  CCN Club provides a way for parents to remain an active part of their student’s academic and social lives as they study in the United States.

My children's club

Once a student joins CCN, they become part of an international network of students, teachers, and schools.  Each region of the U.S. has its own “Club”, and everything posted to this online community will be specific to the students studying in that area.  Whether a student becomes part of the Boston Club, the New York Club, the Oregon Club, or any of the other communities, each Club serves as a place for collaboration and information sharing with the families and coordinators that are a part of it.


The Announcements section of CCN Club is the place to visit for updates and important news.  As monthly evaluations, report cards, photographs, or important school news occurs and is uploaded to CCN Club, it will be posted as an announcement for all parents to view.


Photo Gallery

The Photo Gallery presents a way to view your child in action, as they participate in school sports, make new friends, and experience American culture.  The Photo Gallery will be updated by the CCN Local Coordinator as often as possible.



Most American High Schools release official grades 4 times each year (once every quarter).  Each time a report card is released, the CCN local coordinator will post it to CCN Club as a private document, viewable only by those with an individual username and password. 



The CCN Local Coordinator will meet with each student and host family every month.  They will discuss academics, activities, sports, friends, and social and cultural adjustment to American high school life.  After each meeting with a student, the Coordinator will write a monthly report so that the parent is kept informed of everything happening in the student’s life.

Copyright © 2005, Cross Cultural Networks. All rights reserved.